
Just because you’re the only one using your makeup brushes doesn’t mean you don’t ever have to clean them! Cleansing your makeup brushes should be part of your regular makeup routine!

It’s recommended to wash your makeup brushes every two weeks to ensure your brushes remain hygienic. By maintaining clean brushes, you can prevent the spread of bacteria that could pose grave danger to your health.




Clogged Pores and Acne Breakouts
The warm, moist environment of your grimy makeup brushes is the perfect bacteria breeding playground! Bacteria, plus dirt & oil, and you’ve got yourself the perfect recipe for clogged pores and acne breakouts!

Skin Irritation
The accumulation of filth and buildup of old makeup residue on your brushes will cause the bristles to harden and get stiff. If you have sensitive skin, your skin can get irritated from the rough bristles. Your skin can also start to get red and inflamed.

Pink Eye
Pink eye (conjunctivitis) can be spread by sharing makeup brushes with your girlfriends. Although it’s not a life-threatening infection, it’s probably one you’d like to avoid when possible.

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Staph Infection
A staph (staphylococcus) infection on the other hand, can be a life threatening one if it gets out of control! When left untreated, a staph infection can infect the blood and organs and become deadly! Staph bacteria are often found on dirty makeup brushes, so it’s important to cleanse your brushes thoroughly to prevent the spread of these potentially lethal organisms.

Muddy-Looking Makeup 
Aside from contracting nasty skin infections and diseases, dirty makeup brushes prevent you from getting the best application. Dark makeup residue can streak lighter shades of makeup and alter their color. There’s nothing worse than trying to obtain that clean, precise cut-crease with a dirty brush! Not to mention, brushes caked with old makeup can make it a nightmare to try and blend out your makeup smoothly!

Damaged Brushes
It’s a simple fact: dirty brushes deteriorate more quickly!
You spend your hard-earned dollars buying fancy brushes to add to your makeup brush collection. Now it’s time you protect that investment!
